
Vitality’s Innovative Digital Strategy

  • Insurance
man wearing box on head with smiley face

The Challenge

VitalityLife was looking to solidify its longstanding reputation and distinctively position itself to stand out from the competition. Vivaldi Group was brought in to help VitalityLife break through the sea of "sadvertising" by creating a positive life insurance campaign.

The Opportunity

To communicate VitalityLife’s unique approach to life insurance, Vivaldi embarked on a journey to create a category-disrupting digital campaign that truly reflects the brand’s DNA. With this campaign, it was crucial for VitalityLife to capitalize on trends around younger audiences’ life stages and tailor the content to engage the target audience at every stage of the funnel.

The Outcome

Through this successful collaboration, VitalityLife broke the predominant ”sadvert” mold in the industry and differentiated itself from the competition. Driven by the insight that it is the joyous life stage moments that trigger life insurance purchase, Vivaldi Group created a highly relevant, celebratory content under the “Protect Your Loved Ones” campaign.

"Protect Your Loved Ones"

Life insurance is awash with ‘sadvertising’; heart-breaking melodramas that terrify you by revealing that ‘mum’s actually a ghost’, or ‘little Billy might not make it’. Why can’t life insurance celebrate the joy of life itself? We wanted to make Vitality Life stand out in this sea of sadness by creating positive, optimistic content to drive awareness and leads.

Our research showed that life insurance is usually purchased near a key milestone – having kids, moving house or getting married. But each of these life-changing events wouldn’t be as beautiful or memorable without the support of your cheerleaders – the people who you want to protect, should the worst happen. Taking these significant life stages, we dramatized them in a film, linking each touching scene to a heightened need for life insurance, breaking the sadvert mold and celebrating the ones you love in a positive way.

We used the hero (awareness), hub (engagement) hygiene (conversion) model to structure the content, creating a purchase funnel with clever targeting for engaged audiences.