AI & The Future of Work

The World Economic Forum kicks off in Davos Switzerland on Monday, January 15, 2024. WEF 2024, under the theme “Rebuilding Trust,” addresses the vital intersection of technology, business, and society.
Vivaldi is reporting live from this year’s event, as the big brains at Davos take on, “Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society.”
From January 15-19 the Vivaldi team will distill what you need to know from Davos and discuss the potential implications for your business across these topics…
Follow us daily for updates and check out our thinking on AI and future of work, innovation and brands on our Linkedin.
January 18th
January 17th
January 16th
January 15th
Q: What excites you most about AI and the future of “work”?
The World Economic Forum has begun in Davos, Switzerland, and we’re excited to learn more about AI and the future of work. While many discussions have been centered around jobs that could be threatened by generative AI, we’re interested in exploring how AI could enhance our work and make it more fulfilling.
What are your thoughts on the future of work with AI? Share your ideas with us in the comments.
#AI #futureofwork #WEF20 #VivaldiDavos #DavosDialogues
I think that small businesses could get operational efficiencies and could be a game changer to resource tied to sme’s!!
For me, AI’s potential to make our work more efficient and creative is really exciting. it frees up valuable time for us to focus on more strategic, innovative, and personally fulfilling activities. It will lead to more focus on real impact we make and fulfilling careers by spending more time on what truly inspires us.
“There is nothing to fear but fear itself”
Today at #WEF24 #Davos the skills to thrive in the era of AI were discussed at length, a culture of learning, collaboration and experimentation being agreed as vital.
But if todays coverage has raised more questions than answers this video shared by Richard Rolka is a great short technical intro by Jeff Su from Google whilst you can follow theVIVALDI_ coverage of the business impact by following us on Linked In.
Hope everyones looking forward to Day 2!
#VivaldiDavos #GenerativeAI #BusinessTransformation #WEF2024 #culture #learning #brand #collaboration
As we eagerly anticipate the WEF 2024 session “Generative AI: Steam Engine of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?” at Davos tomorrow, it’s time to reflect on the transformative potential of Generative AI in the business world.
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet, called AI more significant than electricity in mid-2023. With over 35% of businesses already harnessing AI, and 90% viewing it as a competitive lever, it’s clear that we’re on the brink of a major shift.
Azeem Azhar’s insights liken AI adoption to the Internet’s rise, noting a stark difference in executive attitudes towards these technologies. Unlike the hesitant adoption of the Internet by the ’90s executives, today’s C-suite is actively embracing AI.
This brings us to the crux of the matter. At Vivaldi, we’re convinced that major dialogues, like those at the World Economic Forum, are crucial in shaping the future of businesses. The need for change is evident, as highlighted in Alix Partners’ 2023 Disruption Report: 98% of C-level executives acknowledge the need for transformation within three years, yet 85% are uncertain about the starting point.
We invite you to share your thoughts:
How can generative AI act as a catalyst for business and brand reinvention?
In what ways can business leaders integrate#AI into their strategic vision and plans?
What lessons can be learned from the initial hesitance towards the Internet and how can we apply these to AI adoption?
Share your insights and join us in exploring the exciting possibilities of AI in business reinvention. #VivaldiDavos #GenerativeAI #BusinessTransformation #WEF2024