Voices of Vivaldi
"I was looking for consultancies that specialized in brand and marketing, as I wanted to use my experience and the skills I’d gained in the marketing area and project work."
- Alexandra Bohl, Consultant
"I really like to dive into exciting projects again and again. Every project - and especially the people behind the projects - always give me new insights and let me learn continuously. And all this with the great, global Vivaldi team across geographical and cultural borders."
- Stefane Kluß, Director
"A day at Vivaldi is a day full of inspiration, intelligent perspectives and exciting collaboration with our clients. And of course, fun - that's the most important ingredient."
- Alexander Schulze, Manager
More About Us
Falling for Düsseldorf
Nobody from our Düsseldorf team has actually been born in Düsseldorf, but we all love the city we work in.
Wine Wonderland
Although Düsseldorf is a traditional beer city, the team also enjoys an occasional wine tasting event.
Coffee Crawls
We are all coffee lovers and enjoy a team walk to one of the best coffee roasteries.
Daily Office Chronicles
There's one team member who loves to randomly intone a song during a productive day at the office. But you'll have to visit to find out who that is.
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Global HeadquartersNew Yorknewyork@vivaldigroup.com +1 212 965 0900 Visit our office
Londonlondon@vivaldigroup.com +44 0203 603 1884 Visit our office
Münchenmunich@vivaldigroup.com +49 89 54 80 04 50 Visit our office
Düsseldorfdusseldorf@vivaldigroup.com +49 211 43 63 88 10 Visit our office
Hamburghamburg@vivaldigroup.com +49 40 180 243 500 Visit our office
Buenos Airesbuenosaires@vivaldigroup.com +54 911 5474 2120 Visit our office
Limalima@vivaldigroup.com +511 998 312 082 Visit our office
Zurichzurich@vivaldigroup.com +49 152 378 02 404 Visit our office
Los Angeleslosangeles@vivaldigroup.com +1 314 452 1387 Visit our office
Singaporesingapore@vivaldigroup.com +65 8952 3600 Visit our office